Let’s Talk About How Unbelievable Earthlings Is, A Book by Sayaka Murata — Book Review

3 min readDec 29, 2022


Most random, disturbing, unpredicted book I have ever read.

This book altered my brain chemistry. In the last chapter, even perhaps my brain already fallen out. This book is so crazy in many ways as it took very dark twisted turns as you slide the pages until the very end. Sayaka Murata did it, again.

The book that became my ‘most mind-blowing book’ from any other books I have read this year. You know what, I almost DNF this book because I feel this book is like non-sense and childish in the beginning (LMAO) but then I tried to looked up for the reviews. And yeah, like what they said, DO NOT BE DECEIVED FROM THE CUTE COVER AND MAGICAL ATMOSPHERE AT THE BEGINNING. Cause as the pages turned, the more darkened this book will swallowed you up.

That’s why I tried to continue it, and yes, I can not let my fingers rest for a moment until I came to the conclusion of the book. This book critics ‘society’ so much in many names. The trigger warning did mention cannibalism and oh well for the hundred times, I never did expected it to happen from the way how this book told its story in the beginning until the very last chapters. You will not expect it. Every chapter just stop your brain from working its functioning, more and more. I am so disgusted and entertained by this book, however.

This book talked about childhood trauma, sexual harassment, family issues and all about those that mentioned in the trigger warnings, in a most captivating way. There were times when I need to put down this book for a while, took a deep breath, or sometimes I need a day break from reading this book. But it was really an unputdownable book, it was like it keeps me going to questioned where is this really going? But it was all worth it at the end, I thought. Though, in a most horrifying, disturbing, disgusting, and uncomfortable feelings you may feel. The very each uneasiness I feel throughout this book is so heavy as I keep questioning my existence as an ‘earthling’. If you want to feel a real new experience, do read this book. I believe there are many books that have the similar themes this book has, but not exactly. It was unpredictable. Uh-oh, perhaps I can make a whole essay about this book. Absolutely a must-read recommendation from me.

Let me share some of my favorite lines from this book:

That sort of thing happens everywhere, you know. We just don’t see it. Even now, someone somewhere in the world is being used as a tool. It’ll happen again today too. That’s all it is.

“…Adults are expected to turn a blind eye to anything abnormal, aren’t they? That’s the way it is. Why so virtuous now? You’re just a regular adult, after all. All you have to do is ignore it, just like any other regular adult.”

“Plenty of people look squarely at things they don’t want to see and live with them.”

Overall rating: 3.8 stars out of 5. I would never regret reading this book.




The book reviews I wrote here are all subjective. I tell the most of my feelings throughout reading the books and how I feel after reading it.